Justice S K Mahajan
Justice Surender Kumar Mahajan, B.Sc.LL.B.- Born on 5.12.1941. Enrolled as an Advocate in February, 1967. Practised in the District Courts and Delhi High Court regularly since the date of enrolment in Civil, Constitutional, Labour, Company and Service matters etc. Was elected Secretary of Bar Association twice in the year 1981 and 1982 and was elected President of the Association in 1988. Was standing Counsel of the Government of N.C.T. of Delhi in the Delhi High Court from 1990 to 1994 and was also Senior Counsel for the Union of India during the same period. Was also Counsel for the University of Delhi, Delhi Pollution Control Committee etc. Appointed as an Additional Judge of the Delhi High Court on 17.5.1995. Appointed permanent Judge on 14.3.1996.
Retired on 04.12.2003.