Justice F S Gill
Justice Fauja Singh Gill, B.A., L.L.B.- Born 20-11-1917. Educated at Formen Christian College, Lahore and Law College, Lahore. Worked as District and Sessions Judge in Kalsia State from 1-8-47 to 21-10-48. After formation of PEPSU, was integrated in pepsu Judicial Service and worked as Sub-Judge- cum-Magistrate 1st Class and Section 30 Magistrate from 22-10-48 to 8-3-53. Functioned as Sub-Judge 1st Class (With Appellate powers)-cum-ADM (Judicial) from 9-3-53 to 31-10-56. On merger of PEPSU with Punjab was integrated in Punjab Civil Service (Judicial Branch) and worked as Sub-Judge 1st Class (With Appellate powers)-cum-ADM (Judicial) and Senior Sub-Judge from 1-11-56 to 11- 2-62. Was promoted as Additional District and Sessions Judge on 14-2-62 and was confirmed as District and Sessions Judge with effect from 26-6-69. Appointed substantively to Delhi Higher Judicial Service on its initial constitution with effect from 17-5-71 and given selection grade from the same date. Appointed as officiating District and Sessions Judge, Delhi, in Super-time scale of Rs. 2500-2750, with effect from 7-3-72. Appointed as Additional Judge of the Delhi High Court for a period of two years with effect from 18-12-74. Appointed permanent Judge on 17-12-76(A.N.). Retired on 20-11-1979.