Justice Jayant Nath
Born on 10th November, 1959. Did his schooling from Delhi Public School, Mathura Road, New Delhi. Thereafter, did B.A.(Hon.) Economics from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi University and LL.B. from Faculty of Law Delhi University in 1982. Practised as an Advocate in Supreme Court of India, Delhi High Court, various Tribunals including Central Administrative Tribunal (Principal Bench), New Delhi, National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission etc. Has been Standing Counsel for DESU/DVB from 1995 to 2002. Represented various Public Sector Undertakings, Banks etc. Was trained as Mediator by the Delhi High Court Mediation and Conciliation Centre and conducted various mediations therein. Conducted cases relating to various laws e.g. Service, Labour, Arbitration, Constitution and Administrative Law. Was designated as Senior Advocate by the High Court of Delhi in May, 2006. Appointed as Additional Judge of Delhi High Court on 17th April, 2013 and became permanent Judge on 18.03.2015(F/N). Retired on 09.11.2021