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Auction notice in reference to decree dated 03.04.2019 passed by the hon'ble high court in cs(os) 598/2016 and order dated 05.01.2023 passed by the hon'ble delhi high court in execution proceedings bearing ex. P. No. 62/2023. |
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Name and contact details of the nodal officer for hon'ble the accessibility committee, delhi high court |
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Notification regarding that friday, the 8th september, 2023 is declared as a holiday for the high court of delhi and the courts subordinate to it, on account of the preparations for g-20 summit, to be held on 09th - 10th september 2023. |
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Office order regarding Keeping in view the traffic advisory, the advocates are permitted to appear through Video Conferencing and in case any officer is not in a position to attend the Court, he is also permitted to work through online Video Conferencing |
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Contact details of esewa kendra of high court of delhi to render necessary assistance to specially abled/visually impaired advocates/litigants in person, in converting the non-ocr files to accessibility complaint format. |
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Circular regarding that judgment, online e-filing system and online cause list links on the official website of delhi high court will not be available from 10:00 a.M to 01:00 p.M on 30th august, 2023 due to maintenance. |
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Order regarding postings/transfers in the Delhi Judicial Service. |
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Order regarding postings/transfers in the delhi higher judicial service. |
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Office order that esewa kendra of this court and delhi district courts shall render necessary assistance to specially abled/visually impaired advocates/litigants in person, in converting the non-ocr files to accessibility compliant format. |
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Circular regarding engagement of retired government employees as consultant appellate tribunal. |