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Order regarding closing of new delhi courts at patiala house courts from 1830 hours on 22.01.2023 to 1300 hours on 23.01.2023 and from 1300 hours on 25.01.2023 to 1300 hours on 26.01.2023 in the arrangements for the republic day-2023. |
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Institution, disposal and pendency of cases during the month of december, 2022. |
203 |
Destruction of unclaimed certified copies prepared till 31st december, 2021 and application for supply of certified copies (under objection) and counter foils/applications disposed of after supply of certified copies upto 31st december, 2021. |
204 |
Registration open for the event- delhi arbitration weekend, scheduled for 16th to 19th february, 2023. |
205 |
Order regarding posting/transfer of mr. Rajesh kumar goel, special judge in the delhi higher judicial service. |
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Application for the post of other person/member permanent lok adalat at delhi state legal service authority. |
207 |
Announcement as to NLU Delhi Online Diploma Course in ‘Law & Practice In Arbitration’ in collaboration with DIAC. |
208 |
Order regarding postings/transfers in the delhi higher judicial service. |
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Order regarding Court have been pleased to appoint Mr. Vinod Kumar, member of DHJS as Sessions Judge within the limits of West Sessions division of Delhi. |
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Order regarding posting/transfer in the delhi higher judicial service of mr. Vinod kumar, principal district & sessions judge, west, tis hazari courts. |