Archive Public Notice

Sr. No. Title Date View / Download
451 Circular regarding that the following advocates-on-record are the nominated counsel before hon'ble supreme court of india for high court of delhi for acceptance of service. 24-05-2021
452 Circular regarding that the following advocates are the nominated counsel for appearing before hon'ble delhi high court, district courts, cic etc. For acceptance of service. 24-05-2021
453 Circular regarding empanelment of M/s Professional Couriers Network Ltd. and Flash Couriers as approved Couriers of Delhi High Court. 16-05-2021
454 System of hearing of matters before delhi high court with effect from 17.05.2021 till 04.06.2021 15-05-2021
455 Preponement of summer vacation and system of hearing of matters before delhi district courts with effect from 17.05.2021 upto 30.06.2021 15-05-2021
456 Notification regarding vacation month/ period for the year 2021 for the members of delhi judicial service 15-05-2021
457 Final minutes of meeting of hpc 11.05.2021 13-05-2021
458 Institution, disposal and pendency of cases during the month of april, 2021 12-05-2021
459 Final minutes of hpc dated 04.05.2021 06-05-2021
460 Circular regarding service of notice/summons/daks through email/fax/whatsaap with respect of earlier circular no. 515/r&d/psa/dhc dated 09.06.2020. 03-05-2021