Archive Public Notice

Sr. No. Title Date View / Download
751 Pendency and disposal of five and ten year old cases in delhi district courts till august 2019. 25-09-2019
752 Order regarding cases pertaining to 2g spectrum scam pending in the court of mr. O. P. Saini district & sessions judge-cum-special judge (pc act) (cbl), racc, new delhi be transferred and allocated to the court of special judge (pc act) (cbi)-09, racc, ne 16-09-2019
753 List of ineligible candidates for private secretary (departmental) examination-2019. 16-09-2019
754 Public notice regarding toll free helpline no. 1888 operational in english as well as hindi vernacular in delhi high court. 12-09-2019
755 Institution, disposal and pendency of cases during the month of august, 2019. 11-09-2019
756 Notification regarding order that sh. Dharmesh sharma, district and sessions judge (west), tis hazari courts shall hold court for recording the testimony of the victim in the premises/building of the trauma centre of all india institute of medical science 07-09-2019
757 Pendency and disposal of five and ten year old cases in delhi district courts till july-2019. 28-08-2019
758 Corrigendum notice to advertisement for delhi judicial service examination 2019. 23-08-2019
759 Destruction of unclaimed certified copies prepared till 31st december, 2018 and application for supply of certified copies (under objection) upto 31st december, 2018. 17-08-2019
760 Strict compliance of the provisions contained in the 'flag code of india, 2002' and 'the prevention of insults to national honour act, 1971' -reg. 17-08-2019