Archive Public Notice

Sr. No. Title Date View / Download
81 Notice regarding that the tender process initiated by this court vide tender notice no.23198/x/r&d/dhc published on 21.07.2023 for preparation of a panel of approved courier agencies for this court has been scrapped. 07-11-2023
82 Instructions for delhi judicial service examination-2023 06-11-2023
83 The sexual harassment of women at workplace (prevention, prohibition and redressal) act, 2013 01-11-2023
84 Order regarding postings/transfers in the delhi higher judicial service. 01-11-2023
85 Order regarding postings/transfers in the delhi judicial service. 01-11-2023
86 Public notice regarding conduct of second stage of senior personal assistant (open) examination-2023 for the high court of delhi 28-10-2023
87 Order regarding postings/transfers in the delhi higher judicial service. 21-10-2023
88 Auction notice regarding obsolete/unserviceable articles of office furniture/furnishing such as steel almirah, tables, bicycle, water dispensers, pedestal fans etc to be held on 04/11/2023 at 11.30 am at administrative block, ground floor, delhi high cour 21-10-2023
89 Counsels/parties are informed that the cases (list attached), which were filed during the period of pandemic covid-19 from 3rd march to 6th august, 2020, either without court fees or deficit court fees, shall be listed before the joint registrar (judicial 19-10-2023
90 Circular regarding that till the finalization of a comprehensive panel of sign language interpreters, the services of the persons may be utilized on provisional basis. 19-10-2023